All applicants, regardless of membership type, must present a valid PC ID card or Membership Card to access the facilities.
By my signature below, I agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the Peterson Recreation and Concannon Fitness Centers, as outlined in the Recreational Sports Department Handbook, as well as follow all directives from Recreational Sports staff members.
By my signature below, I also hereby recognize that I intend to pursue fitness and recreational activities at the Peterson Recreation and Concannon Fitness Centers and/or adjoining fields and courts. I recognize and acknowledge that the Department of Recreational Sports of Providence College does not carry any special health and/or medical insurance that would provide coverage for my participation in such fitness and recreational activities in the event that I should sustain an accidental injury while participating in said activities. I recognize that there are inherent risks in such activities including injury, disability, disease, and death, which I hereby voluntarily assume. I also understand that it is incumbent upon me not to undertake those activities which I am not physically fit enough to perform or which are contrary to any professional medical advice I may have received. Therefore, in consideration of my willingness to participate in such programs, I hereby discharge Providence College, it’s governing board, officers, staff, coaches, and other employees from all obligations, liabilities, claims, demands, costs, and expenses, including but not limited to attorney’s fees, arising out of, or in any way connected with, any bodily injury or death sustained by my participation, whether such injury results from the negligence of the aforesaid person or from some other cause.